Dr. Hermes A. Pelayo


$70 usd per session

Document | Procedure Main


Radiofrequency is a term that refers to the rate of oscillation of an electric current or an electromagnetic field in the range of 20 kHz to 300 GHz. Radiofrequency waves are used for various purposes, such as communication, broadcasting, radar, and medical treatments.


A Radiofrequency procedure is a type of medical treatment that uses radiofrequency waves to heat up and destroy abnormal or unwanted tissue in the body. Radiofrequency procedures can be used to treat conditions such as chronic pain, nerve disorders, varicose veins, tumors, and skin lesions. Radiofrequency procedures are usually done in a clinic or a hospital by a trained doctor or technician. The procedure involves inserting a thin needle or a probe into the skin or the body and delivering radiofrequency energy to the target area. The procedure may take from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the type and size of the area being treated. The procedure may require local or general anesthesia, sedation, or pain medication, depending on the patient’s condition and preference. The procedure may cause some discomfort, such as a burning or tingling sensation, but most people tolerate it well.


The recovery time for Radiofrequency procedures varies depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure. Generally, the patient can expect to have some mild pain, swelling, or bruising for the first few days or weeks. The patient should avoid any strenuous activities and follow the doctor’s instructions for wound care and medication. The patient may return to work after a few days or weeks, depending on the nature of the job. The final results of the procedure may take up to a few months to appear, as the body heals and eliminates the dead tissue.


You may be a good candidate for Radiofrequency if you have a condition that can be treated by radiofrequency waves, such as chronic pain, nerve disorders, varicose veins, tumors, or skin lesions. You should also be in good health, have realistic expectations, and understand the risks and benefits of the procedure. However, radiofrequency may not be suitable for everyone. You should not get radiofrequency if you have any of the following conditions or situations:

  • An active infection, inflammation, or fever.
  • A bleeding disorder or a history of blood clots.
  • A heart condition or a pacemaker.
  • A malignant tumor or cancer.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • An allergy to any of the ingredients in the radiofrequency products.
  • You should consult with your doctor before getting radiofrequency to determine if it is safe and effective for you


At Ciplastic, the starting cost for a Radiofrequency procedure is $70 usd per session. Your final cost will depend on your specific individual needs.

Radiofrequency procedures are not a permanent solution, as the treated tissue may grow back or new tissue may develop over time. However, radiofrequency procedures can last for several years, depending on the individual and the condition treated. To maintain the results, you may need to get follow-up treatments once or twice a year.

Radiofrequency procedures are generally safe and effective when performed by a qualified and experienced provider. However, like any medical procedure, they carry some risks and potential complications. These include:

  • Pain, swelling, redness, or infection at the treatment site.
  • Scarring, nerve damage, or changes in sensation or function.
  • Bleeding, hematoma, or blood clots.
  • Organ damage or perforation.
  • Allergic reaction to the products or the device used in the procedure.
  • Rarely, burns, skin damage, or changes in skin texture or color.

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