Dr. Hermes A. Pelayo

Quality, professionalism and safety converge in plastic surgery

Having an adequate clinical record with a backup of the number of consultations, examinations performed and consents on the procedure to be performed is extremely important to maintain high quality standards in the medical care of plastic surgery, said Plastic Surgeon Dr. Hermes Avila Pelayo.

For this reason, the president of Ciplastic Hospital also promoted the training of his staff in medical laws and regulations in order to provide a comprehensive and quality service.

Avila Pelayo pointed out that the training was given to both medical and administrative personnel, emphasizing the importance of having an impeccable record.

The plastic and reconstructive surgeon, who has more than 16 years of experience, explained that the staff at Citaplastic Hospital is committed to the health of patients.

An important part of this is data protection and patients' rights as stipulated by the legal framework, as well as clarity and transparency of medical information regarding adequate follow-up before surgery and in post-operative care.

This hospital, which specializes in plastic and bariatric surgery, has a multidisciplinary team made up of internists, cardiologists, nutritionists, psychologists, among others, to accompany people who decide to undergo a surgical procedure, both for aesthetic purposes and physical well-being.

Knowing the laws and regulations on the treatment of patients is fundamental, explains Dr. Hermes Avila, which allows the rights and dignity of patients to be guaranteed.

In addition to legally protecting health professionals, strengthening trust and transparency in the doctor-patient relationship, and adapting to changes and advances in the field of health.

This is essential for safe, ethical and patient-centered medical practice in the context of a modern, regulated healthcare system.

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Ciplastic - Dr. Hermes A. Pelayo
Ciplastic offers professional services

June 8, 2023

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