Dr. Hermes A. Pelayo

COOL Body Sculpting

$170 usd per session

CiPlastic | COOL Body Sculpting


COOL Body Sculpting is another name for CoolSculpting, a non-surgical body contouring procedure that uses cold temperature to reduce fat deposits in certain areas of the body. The procedure is designed to reduce localized fat deposits or bulges that do not respond to diet and exercise.


The COOL Body Sculpting procedure is usually done in a clinic or a spa by a trained technician or a doctor. The procedure involves using a handheld device that has two cooling panels that suction the skin and fat tissue between them. The device then lowers the temperature of the fat cells to the point where they crystallize and die, without harming the surrounding skin or other tissues. The procedure usually takes about 35 to 60 minutes per area and can treat multiple areas in one session. The procedure may cause some discomfort, such as a pulling or pinching sensation, but most people tolerate it well. Some people may use a topical numbing cream or ice to reduce the sensation.


There is no downtime after a COOL Body Sculpting procedure, and you can resume your normal activities right away. However, you should drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol, caffeine, and salt for at least 24 hours after the session, as these may interfere with the COOL Body Sculpting effects and cause dehydration. You may also experience some mild side effects, such as swelling, bruising, redness, or numbness at the treatment site, but these usually subside within a few days or weeks. You should contact your doctor if you have any signs of infection, allergic reaction, or serious complications.


You may be a good candidate for COOL Body Sculpting if you want to improve the appearance of your body and address issues such as stubborn fat pockets, love handles, muffin tops, or bra bulges. You should also be in good health, have realistic expectations, and understand the risks and benefits of the procedure. However, COOL Body Sculpting may not be suitable for everyone. You should not get COOL Body Sculpting if you have any of the following conditions or situations:

  • An active skin infection, such as herpes or acne.
  • A bleeding disorder or a history of blood clots.
  • A heart condition or a pacemaker.
  • A malignant tumor or cancer.
  • A thyroid disorder or a hormonal imbalance.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • An allergy to any of the ingredients in the COOL Body Sculpting products.
  • You should consult with your doctor before getting COOL Body Sculpting to determine if it is safe and effective for you.


At Ciplastic, the starting cost for a COOL Body Sculpting procedure is $170 usd per session. Your final cost will depend on your specific individual needs.

The effects of COOL Body Sculpting are not permanent and may vary from person to person. Most people notice an improvement in their body shape after the first session, and the results may last for several months or years. However, the results may fade over time, as the body may produce new fat cells or store fat in other areas. To maintain the results, you should follow a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly.

COOL Body Sculpting is generally safe and effective when performed by a qualified and experienced provider. However, like any medical procedure, it carries some risks and potential complications. These include:

  • Pain, swelling, bruising, or infection at the treatment site.

  • Scarring, dimpling, or asymmetry of the skin.

  • Nerve damage, facial weakness, or numbness.

  • Allergic reaction to the products or the device used in the procedure

  • Rarely, paradoxical fat hyperplasia, which is a condition where the fat cells in the treated area increase instead of decrease.

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