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Thigh Lift

Reveal fresh, glowing skin with our expert chemical peel treatments. Designed to exfoliate and rejuvenate, chemical peels help improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. Achieve a smoother, brighter complexion with our personalized care.

El lifting facial es un procedimiento de cirugía estética que levanta, tensa y alisa los tejidos faciales que se han descolgado debido al envejecimiento. Se realiza haciendo una incisión delante y detrás de las orejas y extendiéndola a lo largo de la línea del cabello. Se elimina el exceso de piel y tejido y se recoloca la piel restante para crear un aspecto más natural y juvenil. El lifting facial también puede mejorar los signos de envejecimiento de la cara y el cuello, como arrugas, mejillas caídas, comisuras de la boca caídas y papada.

Thigh Lift

Price starting at: $3,300 usd

A thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery that aims to improve the shape and appearance of the thighs by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the underlying muscles. It is also known as a thighplasty.

About thigh lift

A thigh lift procedure typically takes between two and five hours and is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision in the thigh area, depending on the type of thigh lift you choose. There are different types of thigh lifts that address different parts of the thigh, such as the inner thigh lift, outer thigh lift, vertical thigh lift, or mini thigh lift. The surgeon lifts the skin and fat of the thigh and tightens the muscles with stitches. The surgeon may also use liposuction to remove unwanted fat and contour the thigh. Excess skin and fat are then removed and the remaining skin is pulled down and sutured, creating a firmer, tighter thigh. The surgeon may also insert drainage tubes under the skin to remove any fluid or blood.

Thigh Lift Recovery

Recovery time for a thigh lift varies depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure. In general, a patient can expect to have some pain, swelling, bruising, and numbness for the first few weeks. The patient should avoid any strenuous activity and follow the surgeon’s instructions for wound care and medication. The patient should also wear a compression garment or bandage to support the thigh and reduce swelling. Drainage tubes are usually removed in one week and stitches are removed in two weeks. The patient can return to work in two to four weeks, depending on the nature of the job.

The final results of the procedure may take up to a year to appear, as swelling decreases and scarring fades.

Are You the Right Candidate for a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift is suitable for people with excess skin and fat on the thighs that do not respond to diet and exercise. The patient must also be in good health, have realistic expectations, and a stable weight. A thigh lift is not recommended for people who plan to lose a significant amount of weight, who may be considering pregnancy in the future, who have chronic medical conditions that affect healing, or who are allergic to anesthesia.

Success Stories

More than 250 five-star reviews on Google

I love my results! The Botox treatments were subtle yet effective—exactly what I wanted. The team made me feel comfortable and confident throughout the process.


The dermal fillers gave me a refreshed, natural look. I’ve never felt better about my appearance, and the staff’s expertise really shows in the results.


The staff was welcoming, and the doctors were highly professional and attentive. They thoroughly explained each step of my treatment, ensuring I felt comfortable and confident. The results exceeded my expectations—natural and subtle, just as I wanted.


After my chemical peel, my skin looks radiant and smooth! The clinic provided excellent care and tailored the treatment to my needs. I highly recommend them!


The laser hair removal treatments have been life-changing! No more constant shaving, and my skin feels so smooth. The clinic’s staff was professional and made the whole experience easy.

Do you have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

At Ciplastic, the initial cost for a Thigh Lift procedure is $3,300 USD. Your final cost will depend on your specific individual needs.
En general, el lifting de muslos se considera un procedimiento seguro, pero, como cualquier cirugía, conlleva algunos riesgos y posibles complicaciones. Entre ellas se incluyen infección, hemorragia, cicatrización, asimetría, daño tisular, daño nervioso, acumulación de líquido, mala cicatrización de la herida e insatisfacción con el resultado123. Para minimizar estos riesgos, es importante elegir un cirujano cualificado y con experiencia, seguir las instrucciones preoperatorias y postoperatorias e informar al médico de cualquier signo de problema.
A thigh lift is designed to last a long time, as the skin and fat removed from the thigh are permanent. However, the results of a thigh lift can be affected by factors such as weight fluctuations, aging, pregnancy, and lifestyle. To maintain the results of a thigh lift, the patient should avoid losing or gaining too much weight, exercise regularly, follow a healthy diet, and avoid smoking.
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